America's Miss USS
Have a great talent? This program is for you! Showcase your talent at the Miss United Southern States Pageant!
Not from the South and want to participate? Our America's Miss title is open to all States! The ONLY competition requirement is TALENT!
Must be four years old or able to walk perform on stage without assistance.
Must have excellent moral character.
Participants from a state that has a state director must go through the state director to enter.
There is NO interview competition!
There is NO dress competition!
100%: Talent!
Age Divisions:
Ages are as of July 1 of the current year.
Jr. Young: Pre-School through Kindergarten
Young: 1st-3rd Grades
Preteen: 4th-6th Grades
Jr. Teen: 7th-9th Grades
Teen: 10th-12th Grades
Miss: 18 Years +
Prize Package
MISS USS Custom Crown
Miss USS official sash by Christine Warren
Miss USS Scepter
Miss USS Custom Bear
Gift basket
Reigns with Miss USS queens
What is the cost to enter?
Cost to enter as a contestant at large (not participating in Miss USS): $795
Cost for Miss USS State Delegates: $295